Submit a SpecimenHow to Submit a Specimen
Below are general guidelines for specimen labeling, requisition requirements, and frozen sections. For complete instructions on specimen collection and submission, including for more specialized testing (i.e. flow cytometry, STI testing, muscle or nerve biopsies), please consult our Lab User’s Guide or call 541-770-4559.

Specimen labeling requirements
Specimen containers must be labeled with the following:
- Patient name and date of birth
- Specimen description
- Date of collection
- Time the tissue was placed into formalin (unless submitted unfixed [“fresh”])
- Submitting provider
Requisition requirements
Requisition must include the following:
- Patient name and date of birth; if not identical to specimen container it will need to be returned for correction.
- Gender
- Submitting provider
- Date of collection
- Specimen description
- Pertinent clinical history
- ICD-10
- Patient billing information (attach)

Tissue for frozen section
Specimen containers must be labeled with the following:
- Label the specimen and complete a requisition as described above
- Submit without fixative; do not put the tissue into formalin
- Call for a STAT courier pick-up (541-770-4559)