Order Supplies

Below are the supplies we provide our clients, free of charge, delivered by our friendly couriers. To submit an order, call us at 541.770.4559 or fill out our supply form to fax to 541.770.4511 or send with a courier.

You may use your customized order form or print our generic Supply Order Form.
Call us if you want a customized form that only includes the supplies you need.

Need help determining what supplies to order? Below are a few quick references. Please consult our Vista User’s Guide or contact us for additional collection requirements.

Gynecologic Specimens
Surgical Specimens
Body Fluids for Cytology
Hematopathology Specimens

If you have ANY EXPIRED collection devices, ThinPrep vials, transport media, formalin, or other fixative, please call us at 541.770.4559 so we can pick them up for proper disposal and exchange them for a fresh supply.

Molecular Supplies

Aptima® Multitest Swab

Uses: Vaginitis Panel, HSV 1&2, CT/NG, M. Gen. Anal/Rectal & clinician or self-collected vaginal

Collection Guides:
     Clinician Collection Procedure
     Patient Collection Procedure

Aptima® Urine Vial

Uses: CT/NG, M. Gen.

Collection Guides:
Clinician Collection Procedure

Veracyte Afirma® Vial

Uses: Thyroid FNA Analysis (validated to identify benign nodules)

Tissue Specimens

20mL Specimen Container

With 10mL of 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin

40mL Specimen Container

With 20mL of 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin

60mL Specimen Container

With 30mL of 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin

120mL Specimen Container

With 60mL of 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin

Empty Specimen Containers

Non-Gynecological Cytology

ThinPrep™ Vial with Swab

For Anal Pap Tests

FNA Slide Jar

4 slide capacity. Pre-filled with denatured alcohol.


Slide Transport Container

5 slide capacity. Protective empty mailer.

Gynecological Cytology

ThinPrep™ Pap Vial

20mL vial for liquid pap tests

Collection Guide:
     Lubricant Compatibility

Broom Collection Device

Liquid pap test collection device.

Collection Guide:
     Collection Protocol


Brush & Spatula

Liquid pap test collection devices (to be used together).

Collection Guide:
     Collection Protocol


Michel’s Fixative

For immunofluorescence testing.


1 gallon of 10% neutral buffered formalin.

Submission Supplies


Specimen Bag – Small

6” x 9” biohazard bag for specimen submission.

Specimen Bag – Large

12” x 15” biohazard bag for specimen submission.

Specimen Labels – Small

Sheet of 30 label stickers for small specimen containers.

Specimen Labels – Large

Sheet of 18 label stickers for specimen containers.

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