Anatomic Pathology ServicesAbout Our Services
We service hospitals, surgery centers, clinics and health care providers throughout southern Oregon. Our pathologists are board certified in anatomic and clinical pathology, and Vista Pathology Laboratory is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP).
Vista Provides

Expertise in multiple subspecialty areas

24-hour turnaround for most biopsies

Comprehensive immuno-histochemistry performed on site

24/7 pathologist availability for review of specific cases

Personalized, intuitive requisition slips

All-in-one reporting of pathology / cytology diagnoses and ancillary testing results
Services We Offer
Surgical Pathology / Immunohistochemistry
- Routine surgical pathology with 24-hour turnaround for most biopsies
- Comprehensive immunohistochemistry performed on site, with over 200 antibodies in use
- Pathologists fellowship trained in cytopathology, dermatopathology, hematopathology, neuropathology and breast, gynecologic, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal pathology
- Laboratory accredited by the College of American Pathologists
Cytology, HPV and STI testing
- ThinPrep liquid-based Pap testing with computer-aided screening
- HPV testing and genotyping by the mRNA Aptima method for increased specificity
- STI testing from the Pap vial or with patient self-collected swab
- Urine sample STI testing for men and women
- Vaginitis testing for candida, bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas
- Pap, HPV and STI testing results combined into one report
Flow Cytometry
- On-site flow cytometry for analysis of hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms
- The only flow cytometry laboratory in Southern Oregon, providing optimal turnaround time
- Fully integrated reports with flow cytometric and molecular testing results
Frozen sections / specialty testing
- Timely courier pick-up of specimens requiring frozen section or other intraoperative assessment
- Triage of unfixed specimens for additional studies, such as flow cytometry and immunofluorescence
Consultation on outside material
- Fellowship-trained specialists available to review pathology or cytology material from outside institutions to assist in local care
- Reference lab services in immunohistochemistry, including prognostic markers, and flow cytometry
Muscle and nerve biopsies
- Fresh specimens received for on-site evaluation of degenerative or inflammatory conditions of muscle or nerve
- Please call ahead to schedule 541-770-4559
Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsies
- FNA of palpable masses or nodules by fellowship-trained cytopathologists
- Only pathology-performed FNAs provide real-time assessment of the sample to ensure adequacy and to triage for additional studies, such as culture, flow cytometry or molecular testing.
Supplies & Courier
For pathology supplies, such as formalin containers, requisition slips, Pap supplies, or to schedule a courier pick-up, please call 541-770-4559.
Southern Oregon Hospitals
We serve as Medical Laboratory Directors and provide clinical and anatomic pathology services to the following hospitals:
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center
Asante Three Rivers Medical Center
Asante Ashland Community Hospital
Curry General Hospital
Providence Medford Medical Center